Today is March 5, 2025 -

Congregation Ahavath Achim

East Texas's Only Congregation of Conservative Judaism

3501 S. Donnybrook Ave., Tyler, Texas 75701
Phone: 903-561-4284

Youth Education

We are busy finding interesting activities to infuse the minds of our youth with the richness and joy of Judaism. Our Sunday school program has grown exponentially over the past year and with that growth will come a few changes in the way we do things. We all carve out time from our busy lives to make this a meaningful program for each child. Parents can greatly add to the success of our program by seeing that their children are on time for each session. This will allow your child to fully participate and fully enjoy their Sunday School experience. Thank you all for allowing us the pleasure of assisting in your child’s growth in Judaism.

Youth Education Committee:

         Rabbi Learner, Sam Learner, LeeAnn Yates, Daron and Kimberly Walls, and Samantha Clark (Board Representative)

Sunday School

We meet regularly for lessons about Torah and Judaism.

Hebrew Classes

Introductory Hebrew lessons with the Rabbi to prepare for a B’nei Mitzvah.

B’Nei Mitzvah Lessons

Learning prayer service, melodies, Torah and Haftorah tropes with the Rabbi.

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