Today is March 5, 2025 -

Congregation Ahavath Achim

East Texas's Only Congregation of Conservative Judaism

3501 S. Donnybrook Ave., Tyler, Texas 75701
Phone: 903-561-4284

CAA Brotherhood

In addition to performing numerous maintenance jobs around our synagogue and cemetery, Brotherhood handles the Yom HaShoah Yellow Candle Program, our Break-The-Fast Raffle, and they man the barbecue pit for our Aliyah Cookout.

The Aliyah Cookout takes place a few weeks prior to the High Holy Days.  Brotherhood chefs cook up yummy hot dogs and hamburgers, while Sisterhood members prepare the remaining dishes for the cookout.  We announce High Holiday honors and swear in our new synagogue officers and board members.  Our Break-The-Fast Raffle, comes at the conclusion of Yom Kippur and is also a collaboration with our Sisterhood members, who prepare our Break-The-Fast meal.  During the meal, raffle ticket sales soar!!  After the meal, Raffle items donated by members and friends of CAA, are raffled off, much to the delight of all participants.  The main prize, which is different each year, is provided by the Brotherhood.  After such a serious day, the food, fun, and friendship of this event help to strengthen the bonds that bind our members and friends.

Check out the Special Projects/Events tab for information on the Brotherhood’s Annual Break-The-Fast Raffle.

The beautiful raised garden that was built, planted, and tended to by Dale and Karin, yielded a huge supply of vegetables for use on Shabbat.  The garden was planted with tomatoes, peppers, beans, herbs, and marigolds.  The veggies were a welcome addition to the Shabbat brunches and were enjoyed by cooks and those consuming the meals, alike.

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